
25 August 2016 Transcultures

Many thanks to:

Philippe Ernotte, Jean-Francois Octave, Martin Waroux, Michel Cleempoel, Drita Kotaji, Natalia de Mello (Arts2), Gabriel Soucheyre (Vidéoformes), Robert Stéphane (Vidéographies), Véronique Barcelo, Philippe Baudelot, François Galland, Centre Culturel Jacques Franck, Domenica Butera (Maison du design Mons), Alexandre Castant, Jean-Michel Ponty, Antoine Réguillon (ENSA Bourges), Steven Hearn (Scintillo), Matthieu Safalty, Maurice Charles JJ (OMFI), Eric Therer, Isa Belle, Régis Cotentin, Albal G. Corral, Jacky Colinet, Emmanuel Dufrasne, Brigitta Rostock, Marc Doutrepont & Pieter De Wagter (Equus), Stan (Veal & Geeks), Johan (Alive Records) , the Herouet familly, the merchants of the Passage du Centre, all the artists and the team of the partner of City Sonic 2016.