For its fourteenth edition, City Sonic, international festival of sound arts initiated by Transcultures, returns to its roots by focusing on the creative audio emergences, unclassifiable discoveries and fruitful links with art schools of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (Arts2 in Mons, Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels, Saint-Luc in Brussels ...) and France (with this year, a major exhibition of the work of post-graduated students of the National Art School of Bourges).
The itinerary of installations will leave the site of the former slaughterhouse to continue at the Carré des Arts and the House of Design to finish in the commercial Gallery of the Centre where a dozen of stores will be invested by site specific installations and performances. Besides this itinerary of urban audio creations, several performances, Sonic Kids workshops, lectures, meetings, Sonic Radio (the creative Web radio of the festival) will mark this “manifesta sound” which brings together more than sixty artists with more than ever, a committed pirate sonic approach.
11:60 (Be), ACSR - Atelier de Création Sonore Radiophonique (Be), Nicolas d'Alessandro (Be), Rodolphe Alexis (Fr), Gustavo Almenara (Fr), Laurie Anderson (Us), Marine Angé (Fr), Benoît Armange (Be), Dimitri Baheux (Be), Christophe Bailleau (Be), Johana Beaussart (Fr), Isa Belle (Be/Fr), Sébastien Sth Biset (Be), Eloïse Lega Breyssens (Be), Alexandra Brillant (Fr), Charo Calvo (Es), Alexandre Castant (Fr), Philippe Cavaleri (Be), DJ Chosta (Be), Louis Chrétiennot (FR), Grayson Cooke (Au), Alba G. Corral (Es), Régis Cotentin (Fr), Marion Cros (Fr), Cécile Damien (Be), Natalia De Mello (Be), Helga Dejaegher (Be), Alexandra Dementieva (Be), Janick Deneux (Fr), Simon Deterne (Fr), Sebastian Dicenaire (Be/Fr), Stephane Fedele (Be), Jean-François Fontaine (Be), Catherine Graindorge (Be), Granules (Be), Julien Grosjean (Fr), Margarida Guia (Be/Fr), Ruben D'Hers (De), Guy-Marc Hinant (Be), Nicolas Adrien Houtteman (Be), Björn Jauss (Be), Maurice Charles JJ (Be), Lucas Lelièvre (Fr), MAD-A.P (Be), Dariusz Makaruk (Po), Gilles Malatray (Fr), Raphael Maze (Fr), Julie Michel (Fr), Gaël Moissonnier (Fr), Aurélia Nardini (Fr), Didié Nietzsche (Be), Paradise Now (Be), OMFI (Be), Nam June Paik (Kr), Pastoral (Be), Julien Pauthier (Fr), Annabelle Playe (Fr), Sandra Przyczynski (Be/Fr), Radio Prague (Be), Quelques Piétons (Be), Anna Raimondo (It), Razen (Be), Gregory Robin (Fr), Léa Roger (Be/Fr), Morgane Roumegoux (Fr), Cédric Sabato (Be/Fr), Matthieu Safatly (Be), Emmanuel Selva (Be/Fr), Gabriel Soucheyre (Fr), Sophie Stassin (Be), Lino Strangis (It), Supernova (Be), Maxence Tambosco (Be/Fr), Zoé Tabourdiot (Fr/Be), Victor Tsaconas (Fr), & Stuff (Be), Constantin Van Craeynest (Be), Julien Vadet (Fr), Timo Van Luijk (Be), VIDEOFORMES (Fr), Vidéographies (Be), Benoit Villemont (Fr), Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg (De), Pierre-Jean Vranken (Be), Elsa Welfelé (Fr), Claire Williams (Be/Fr), Arthur Zerktouni (Fr), Ze Zorgs (Be)...
The itinerary of City Sonic 2016 meets four places in the city center of Mons: the site of the old slaughterhouse occupied mainly by the audio visual installations of the post graduated students from the School of Art of Bourges, the nearby Carré des Arts (Square of Arts) with creations of the Atelier of Sound and Radio (Charo Calvo, Sebastian Dicenaire, Anna Raimondo) disseminated in the interior corridors of international artists installations (Ruben D'Hers, Régis Cotentin, Rodolphe Alexis...) in the rooms of the Art School Arts2, the nearby House of Design (also with art works from the Art School of Bourges) and ten stores of the Gallery of the Centre invested by site specific installations (by Natalia de Mello, Margarida Guia + Sandra Przyczynski, Helga de Jaeger, Philippe Cavaleri...) and a sound environment made in City Sonic.
17:30 > guided tour of the sound itinerary by the curator featuring several short performances by the artists of the Art Scool of Bourges...
18:00 > Passage du Centre (Gallery)
Arthur Zerktouni (Fr) + Janick Deneux (Fr) : AV performance
Dimension N, AV live > Arba G. Corral (Es) + Dariusz Makaruk (Pl) - Jury prize of partner Festival Bains Numériques 2016 (also in the framework of a European Pépinières for young artists residency at Transcultures)
22:30 > City Sonic Party @ Frigo Anciens Abattoirs with Quelques Piétons (hybrid poetic dj set)
09.23.2016 > Sonic Live Gallery
A special sonic pirate afternoon during which artists from different backgrounds mingle with passers by to invade the stores of the gallery of the Centre: dance /sound processing (Benoit Armange + Jean-François Fontaine), digital arts / electronic music ( Dimitri Baheux + Les Granules), Philippe Cavaleri (glue vinyls mix), & Stuff (spoken word+soundscapes and guitar), DJ Chosta (mix of contemporary classical music), Quelque Piéton (hybrid dj set)…
09.25.2016 > Bye Bye Monsonic (closing event)
After a final tour, welcome to the closing event of City Sonic@Mons, featuring 10: 60 - Christophe Bailleau + Didié Nietzche (cosmic electro landscapes), Ze Zorgs (sax, guitar, post rock drums, No jazz), Isa Belle (Cristal shower), Supernova (post pop songs/electroscapes), Maurice Charles JJ (saxo solo baladeur)... on an outdoor concert stage in a pastoral setting + City Sonic drink!
09.21 > Paradise Now (Be) – City Sonic Mix > Centre Culturel Jacques Franck
A mix performed live from various sound art pieces produced by City Sonic + discussion with the audience
09.29 > Transonic Mix > Veal & Geeks
Alter live/mix + realise of Transonic label cassette tapes
09.30 > OMFI@CitySonic 2016 > La Raffinerie
OMFI / One Moment Free Improvisation celebrates the sonic explorers and the living bold music(s) of today featuring concerts (by Razen, Radio Prague, Isa Belle + Paradise Now, Matthew Safatly + Björn Jauss, Guy-Marc Hinant (Sub Rosa - interludes mixés) et DJ set no wave/hybride de MAD-A.P) + selection of City Sonic video + small independent audio producers salon + alter djs...
09.21 > Lecture + meeting Nicolas d’Alessandro (Be) : Creating for connected spaces
From the multifaceted digital and sound project Voices of Angels, the researcher and musician examines how to think differently space through new technologies, how to consider the inside and the outside when people are constantly connected, how to reinvent the convocation with an audience halfway between the real and the virtual....
09.22 > Lecture + meeting Alexandre Castant (Fr) : Planètes sonores
Author of essays Sound Planets and the recent Audiobiographical Journal, the French critique offers a journey through the sonic arts, historical and theoretical insights around the sound in contemporary art.
Ateliers Sonic Kids
Three workshops offered by the digital artist Claire Williams (Fr/Be), harpist Roger Leo (Fr/Be) and musician / researcher Nicolas Alessandro (Be) will revolve around the connected wearable, musical improvisation and the digital instruments (with the Do it yourself Orchestra).
City Sonic is produced by Transcultures, Center of digital & sound cultures, with the support of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. More informations about the festival will be available soon. We thank the artist Alba G Corral (& Dariusz Makaruk - DIMENSION-N project) for visuals that serve as background to this welcome Website.