Lucas Lelièvre (Fr)

Site des Anciens Abattoirs

17, rue de la Trouille Mons


Fermé les lundis


To stutter, kick, stamp, and to go back, finally being able to connect the syllables.

Here is a phenomenal articulation of a language of stuttering. Whereas one still allows himself to make fun of them and to finish their sentences, let’s return what belongs to them, this jerk, this deconstruction of speech which induces an innocent musical quality. Stuttering, this engine which deconstructs, to chop, the form as the sense.

Lucas Lelièvre

Lucas Lelièvre is a sound artist and composer electroacoustic. Formed at the University of dramatic art of the National theatre of Strasbourg, its practice is articulated primarily around the composition for the theatre and the dance. He works in particular with Mrs Miniature and Catherine Marnas, Birgit Ensemble, Ivo van Hove and Eric Sleichim. He collaborates since 2013 with the doctorands Crowns with the CNSAD. He is collaborating with Linda Duskova within the framework of a program “new media” of Paris university 8 workshops of research, at the Museum of Louvre, for the creation of immersive sound constructions. In 2015, he entered ENSA Bourges, post graduate program Arts and Sound Creation. His research is about orality, speech, and its accidents.