Morgane Roumegoux (Fr)

Site des Anciens Abattoirs

17, rue de la Trouille Mons


Fermé les lundis

1m2 pour ne rien dire (première belge)

In a limited perimeter, a stereophony gives an account of a reading with four voices.

Between these protagonists, personalities scramble. The podium is a resonant material and instrument of diffusion, of a dialogue without body. The experience of a space dedicated to grammatical decomposition.

With the participation of : Johana Beaussart, Clémence Prieur, Lauren Tortil
Material: Excitateurs electrodynamique, amplificateur

Morgane Roumegoux

Sound artist-performer, living and working in France, Morgane Roumegoux studied at the ESAD (Strasbourg), she then obtained her DNSEP with the Villa Arson (Nice) in 2012. Then she took part in the post graduate ‘Arts and Sound Creations’, of Bourges.