Johan Vandermaelen (Be)

Johan Vandermaelen (Be)
13 August 2017 City Sonic

Birds, part of the weather ? | Création

This installation/space performance puts forward the slow processes and sounds, which  surround us and which we usually do not notice. Objects, file players, sparkling water, electronic crickets, megaphones, marbles… Johan Vandermaelen (composer, improviser, fabricator of instruments and in situ devices) assembles and diverts various elements on the spot found and brought in function to the context.

Production Johan Vandermaelen, Transcultures

Site Bois du Luc
Rue Saint-Patrice 2b, La Louvière
10.09 – Sonic Sunday
14:00 > 17:00
Entrée libre

Johan Vandermaelen

Johan Vandermaelen (Brussels) is a composer, improviser, creator of instruments and installations in situ. The meeting with Hugh Davies (composer and inventor of experimental instruments) at the end of the Seventies attracted the interest of making electro-acoustic instruments. He studied at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp where he studied electronic music with Joris De Laet. As an improviser, he is involved in several artistic groups and combinations. In addition, he has composed music / sound design for films (several for Magnum Photo Agency) and has worked with Alvin Lucier, George Crumb, Phill Niblock and Pierre Berthet.