OMFI-One Moment free improv
One Moment Free Improv’ To create connections, to open to others is essential for OMFI. Many participants practice free improvisation, but h ave too little opportunity to meet each other in their practice, to open up to other audiences outside a restricted and fragmented audience. OMFI Collective organizes, a bi monthly laboratory, in the cellars of the Halles Saint-Gery, allowing artists of all disciplines the possibility to try out the mixing together of their artistic expressions by proposing meetings with all interested artists. This is through the approach of free improvisation. After a series of 4 meetings, spread out from May 2017 to September 2017, this performance (work in progress) opened to the public, while the other Lab’,OMFI, brought together the participants of back issues for a common session. With the participation of Stéphanie Auberville, Didié Nietzsche, Pierre-Michel Zaleski, Sofia Kakouri, Adéle Pion, Peter M.Friess, Matthieu Safatly, Geoffrey Boydens, Ariane Chesaux, Emanuele Gonano, Karine Germaix, Sylvain Dufayard, Karine Germaix, Olivier Vanderaa, Amélie Guyot, Björn Jauss,Brigitte Maya Denis.