Le Partage des sens
Shared meanings, micro-history of sound in the contemporary arts is composed of a conference and short extracts of a set of radio broadcasts of the art critic and essay writer Alexandre Castant (Paris). These were carried out from 1993 to 1996 at the National institute of Audio-visual, on the relations between photography and sound. Then on the meeting point between visual arts/sound creations. Between rare documentary archives of creation, these programs constituted the aesthetic premises of a little explored territory, at the beginning of the 1990s. The history of sound in contemporary art… More than twenty years later, this unedited series will be the object of a conference and shared listening, and broadcasting of brief sound extracts from its program : Shared senses, a history of photography and sound: adventures of time; Photography listens to sound, sound environment and photography; Musicality of images; The seeds of voice, the seeds of photography; Photographs without a view. National Institute of Audio-visual, Bry-sur-Marne, 1993.
120mn.Workshop 6. 25, sound experiments in contemporary art (History of a passage; Improbable territories; Silence and the cry; Sound prospects), National institute of Audio-visual, Bry-sur-Marne, 1996,
Partnership Transcultures, PointCulture
Alexandre Castant
Alexandre Castant (Paris), an essayist and art critic, published, in the field of sound arts, Planètes sonores, radio, art and cinema (Monografik, 2007 & 2010), Journal audio biographique (Scala publisher, 2016), and, in 2017, at Transonic/La Box publishers, Les arts sonores. Professor at the National Schools of Art, he teaches aesthetics and history of contemporary art at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art in Bourges, where he directs the seminar, ‘L’Atelier sonore d’esthétique’.