Claire Bourguin (Be)

Claire Bourguin (Be)
15 August 2015 City Sonic

Space made by glitter (installation-création)

In a chamber containing an aquarium, the surface of the water, covered with glitter, is filmed with a micro webcam. The image is projected on the wall and its color varies depending on the sound track. The sounds of sperm whales, whales, dolphins, volcanoes thunders, treated by computer, occur and modify the aspect of the image captured in real time.

With the support of Transcultures and Arts2


Galerie POP UP
Rue des Capucins, 59 – Mons

Vernissage le 11.09 > 17:00
Exposition du 22 > 27.09 – 10 > 18h30

Entrée libre
Fermé les lundis

Claire Bourguin

Diving recently in the world of art, curious, Claire Bourguin (student of the School of Visual Arts of Mons Arts2) experiments with photography, video, installation, sculpture and graphics. She identifies their preferences as and when produced attempts to hope for one day finding her own vocabulary.

Among some notions addressed in her work this year: perception, material, light, illusion/reality, materiality/thought, today’s society, individuality/community, identity, passing time … These are some questions or fascinations she is trying to express and to share.

City Sonic 2015 - MAP

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