Artist, sound artist, musician graduated from the School of Visual Arts of Mons (Belgium) in ARTS2, Stéphane Kozik mainly works…
Alexis Choplain (Be)
Composer of electronic music, he also creates sound installations with considerations of temporality, and audio streams traveling in space. According…
Helga Dejaegher (Be)
Helga Dejaeger, Belgian artist, offers a visual and multidisciplinary work. She does performances, sometimes complex videos and installations, but designed…
Jean Baptiste Barra (Fr)
It is through this that his whole artistic approach revolves today around a predominant concept, repetition. Whether geometric, architeFctural or…
Chloé Guesquier (Fr)
A student at ESAD (School of Art and Design) in Valenciennes in Space Design section, Chloé Ghesquière has become interested…