The Party
Artistes: IDM© : Igor Adamskiy/ Thibaut Drouillon / Gladys Siddi / Héloïse Duhot / Luthien Brookfield / Remy Simon Hans / Sophie Stassin / Luc Grossen / Natalia Demello
Within the IDM© (Image Dans le Milieu – image in the context) workshop* at the school of visual arts of Mons, Arts2, this multidisciplinary collective proposal diverts the codes of the party, both asa social event and as a sensory context for the purpose of enjoyment/entertainment.
This is of an entertainment whose dedicated places (clubs, bars …) prove to be extremely codified environments where an important sensorial solicitationis conducted through the multiplication of visual and sound artefacts.
*initiated by Arnaud Eeckhout
Production Arts2 with the support of Transcultures