Label Taâlem (Partage d'écoute)
The “partages d’écoute” (shared listening sessions) launched by City Sonic, consists of meetings with music lovers personalities (musicians, critics, artists, cultural leaders …) who will, for about an hour, share their passion on subjects related to sound practices illustrated by audio commentary extracts.
Jean-Marc Boucher presents his micro label Taâlem, which has released ambiant/field recording/experimental mini CDs by internationa artists.
Jean-Marc Boucher
Jean-Marc Boucher started his activities in 1992 with the co-creation of the mini-zine Desperate Remedies.
In 1994 a new fanzine New Harmonies. and in 1998 another one : =Ellipse=. In parallel, the Harmonie label was created in 1993 for the release of a compilation tape “Les Prés Fleuris“. Will follow a dozen cassettes until 1998.
Taâlem born in 1999.