Magali Schuermans (Be)

Magali Schuermans (Be)
24 August 2015 City Sonic


When you agree to give birth, you accept the anguish of death, before anything else. A symbolic death. Except for Katia, this death became real. Didier violently died when she was three months pregnant.

She took her pregnancy as a gift. A persistence of their love. A life instinct so strong and inexorably growing.To radiate is her way of fighting…Didier is gone for two years now. She has been telling her story to Magali for over two years… Recording words to remember, like a letter to her daughter.

A radio documentary about a birth and an absence, intimate, delicate and fragile like the thread of life.

Direction, recording, editing : Magali Schuermans
Production : L. Productions
Composition : Cécile Schott (SACEM)
 courtesy of The Leaf Label Ltd, Second Language, Staalplaat, Cécile Schott.
With the support of Fonds d’Aide à la création radiophonique of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles de Belgique.

“Katia” received the Longueur d’Onde Award in 2014


Voir Map ☟ : Auberge de jeunesse, Le 106, Mundaneum,
SMART, Bâteau Ivre, Artothèque, Ars Sonic, Galerie du Centre…

Vernissage le 11.09 > 17:00
Exposition du 22 > 27.09 – 10 > 18h30

Entrée libre

Magali Schuermans

After communication studies at Ihecs (Institute of social communication of Brussels), Magali Schuermans is moving towards the sound, through training as a sound engineer at the INSAS.

Since, it is the search of sound as music of life which will influence its course. She participated in editing and sound design many fiction films but also documentaries.

In parallel, she has conducted her own radio documentaries and participated as its editor – mixer to other radio documentaries.

City Sonic 2015 - MAP

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