Crac Crac (creation)
Have you ever been disturbed by noisy neighbors during their sexual activities? Crac Crac, the new creation by Christophe Bailleau (broadcast in several short sections, with different atmospheres) takes interest in this delicate question. It starts with various interviews from a poetic angle and an ad hoc sound creation. This intimate disturbance can create, in addition to a surprise, sometimes a certain amusement in the listener, captivated despite himself, but most often, these sounds/noises quickly become undesirable and disturb the tranquility of our daily life. What can we accept? How to be respected? Is sound sometimes pollution? And finally, what does it tell us about us?
Production: Transcultures.
Sonopoetics terminal
This work will be broadcast in a terminal. Sonopoetics is the division of City Sonic and its alter label Transonic dedicated to the crossings between sound poems / living literatures and sound art/experimental music. This selection of recent works of artists with multiple talents is presented in the form of a terminal, listening to the headphones on a good chair.

Exhibition L’Échappée belle (le retour)
Together with L’échappée belle, Pastoral takes a surreal look at the imaginaries and resort areas of Wallonia (whose members of the duo are natives from). They work witha form of strangeness, a cosmic link or an offbeat humor. For this exhibition, Pastoral presents a selection of diptychs composed of color photos (taken by Christophe Bailleau) and poetic fragments (written by Philippe Franck).
For this variable-geometry project (in addition to the exhibition format, videos were also produced and an album + booklet of the photos and poems was released by Transonic in early 2019), Pastoral has composed, in mirror writing, images, texts and a dozen cinematic soundtracks, mostly ambient but contrasted, mixing electronics, guitar and vocals.
Co-creation Philippe Franck (Be) + Christophe Bailleau (Fr/Be).
Production: Transcultures with the support of Alliance Française Bruxelles-Europe.
L’échappée belle (2019) (Belgian premiere)
Within an impressionistic composition (also giving its title to the album-photo-poetry book released in 2019 on the Transonic label) by the duo Pastoral (Christophe Bailleau and Philippe Franck), intertwining guitar arpeggios and electronic waves, bucolic, poetic and humorous sketches intertwine, into a ballad that takes us towards a sweet folly, derived from a provincial lynchean daily environment.
Co-creation Philippe Franck (Be) + Christophe Bailleau (Fr/Be).
Production: Transcultures/Transonic.

Christophe Bailleau develops an acoustic musical composition with electronic soundscapes, guitar, percussion and voice (some pieces are post-folk ballads) mixed with concrete sounds. His works play on waiting, silence and tension, and also searches for a certain light. Since 2004, his compositions have been published on various European labels: Le cri de la harpe, Stilll, Carte postale, Eglantine, Annexia, Soundscaping, Optical Sound, Transonic… He also regularly produces videos, installations, radio creations and has just published two books of poetic fragments.