Colin Ponthot (Fr)

Colin Ponthot (Fr)
1 November 2019 City Sonic

Bird Sound Seed (creation)

Bird Sound Seed is a sound installation consisting of balls and nets of bird seeds equipped with piezo microphones. When the birds peck the seeds, the sound is amplified, transformed and rebroadcast using a loudspeaker hidden in a tree. In his book Listening to the environment, repertoire of sound effects, Jean-François Augoyard proposes to consider the city and its buildings as physical elements acting as sound filters. We hear the sounds bounce against the facades of a street. A tree becomes a spongy body where the sound is lost. The birds of cities modulate the intensity and the tone of their songs to be heard by their congeners. The city can be considered as a sound filter modifying the song of the birds. This installation echoes these “natural” sound phenomena.

Production: Transcultures.

Tree Sonic System (creation)

Tree Sonic System is a sound performance featuring a tree equipped with an audio broadcast system from where emerges an organic sound. The objective is to propose a singular experience of sound spatialization. The sound is emitted from the tree to spread all around it, creating a central point of dispersion. The audio broadcasting system was created by taking inspiration from the forms of diffusion found in nature, such as the furrows of a stone thrown into the water. The soundscape consists of a landscape of recordings broadcast on vinyl records mixing intimate and environmental sounds and telluric tones.

The entire technical device is analog for a physical sound closer to the material.

Production: Transcultures.


The act of creating is not isolated, it is part of a context, a commitment and cannot be indifferent to the world and how it flows. Colin Ponthot (Brussels) develops a visual production from the scale of space to that of domestic objects. Member of the Impala-Utopia artists’ collective with whom he has exhibited many times in Belgium (City Sonic, Nuit Blanche-Brussels) and abroad (Luxembourg European Capital of Culture, International Festival of Current Music of Victoriaville, Quebec…), he now returns to City Sonic, solo, for installation and performance.