Lukas Truniger (Ch)

Lukas Truniger (Ch)
1 November 2019 City Sonic

Déjà Entendu / An Opera Automaton (Belgian premiere)

The installation Déjà Entendu / An Opera Automaton is based on texts and scores from operas telling the Faust myth – the epic of human curiosity and desire. 102 LED screens and just as many speakers are arranged in repetitive patterns to form an emergent audiovisual sculpture. An ever ongoing interpretation of Faust is created in fragmented movements of light and sound, reconstructing the phrases and melodies of the vocalist as text bulks and sonic clusters (using the same kind of machine learning software that is omnipresent in our daily life). It is a game with boundaries of perception. The point where language loses its meaning, becomes abstract and pictorial. This reveals the proper poetics – of the digital – in all its absurdity.

Production: Le Fresnoy – National Studio of Contemporary Arts.
With the support of Bipolar (as part of Runaway) and the PJRC for the hardware.


Lukas Truniger is a media artist, composer and electronic musician, who engages in the areas of multimedia installations, sculptural objects, performances and the creation of new musical instruments. He is fascinated by complexity and intangible processes in nature as well as in society, like emergence, language and (artificial) intelligence. For the exploration of their inherent aesthetics he applies self-made code and circuits, hijacked tools and objects of mass consumption. His work establishes singular experiences challenging the modalities of perception. Born in Zürich), he obtained a music degree from the Institute for music and media in Düsseldorf and a post gradual diploma in fine arts from Le Fresnoy – studio national des arts contemporains in Tourcoing .