Jump Vox
Through Jump Vox, this talented student from the Visual Arts School of Mons ARTS² and then at the National School of Art of Nice Villa Arson, plays on the quality of sound material by degrading it. Recordings engraved on CDs are degraded by pieces of adhesive, give the impression that the CD is scratched or jumps. All CDs are played simultaneously by different players, creating a chorus of damaged voices. The use of different CD players is a metaphor for the uniqueness of each individual’s own voice.
The whole can evoke -by some aspects- the singing of pygmies.
Partnership ESA Nord-Pas-de-Calais, ARTS², Transcultures, European pepiniers of creation. Acknowledgments to Silvain Vanot and Julien Poidevin (as part of the exchange project D’où parle-t-on ?).
Thibaut Drouillon began in 2016 to study at the school of visual arts ARTS² (Mons) in the IDM (image in the context) section, marking a turning point in his vision of art that resulted in the discovery of sonic art. He then participated for two years in the workshop “Sonic and Digital Emergences” organized by Transcultures. This led to participation in two group exhibitions: he presented the piece Percécité at City Sonic festival in 2017 in Charleroi, and his work Machines sonores, was presented at the Digital contemplation event in Villers-la-Ville, in 2018. He is currently in the Erasmus program, at Villa Arson (ENSA Nice), as part of his master’s degree and continues to be supported by Transcultures.