Kymapetra is an interactive installation composed of five stones arranged in half-moon around a basin filled with water. The spectator, putting his hand over a stone, resonates with it. The rubbing body / material is transformed into sound vibrations, visible on the surface of the water in a myriad of wavelets. The geometric compositions vary according to the energy intensity (electrostatic) of the contact, the person and the stones.
Through an artistic and poetic approach, this participative installation is inspired by various stories and beliefs around stones. Their various forms are forged meticulously by time. Broken, polished, composite or fossil, each one testifies in its way of a natural vibration, and thus of a history.
Scenocosme is a project of the artists Grégory Lasserre and Anaïs Met Den Ancxt. They divert various technologies to create their works. They develop the notion of interactivity, through which the work exists and evolves through the bodily and social relations of the spectators. They perform amazing hybridizations between technologies and living or natural elements (plants, humans, water, wood, stones …). Most of their interactive installations perceive various invisible relationships between the body and the environment. They make the minute sensitive, energetic variations of living beings, by proposing interactivity where spectators share extraordinary sensory experiences. Their works are featured in many museums, contemporary art centers and digital art festivals around the world, from Moscow to Sydney or Seoul.