Bruno Letort (Fr)

Bruno Letort (Fr)
1 November 2019 City Sonic

Semelles de vent (creation)

To Arthur Rimbaud, travelling was a preponderant element of his life, because departure represented a promise of exaltation. From London to Cologne, from Java to Cyprus, from Brussels to Aden, from Paris to Harar, Rimbaud never ceased to drink from the world, in search of a magnificence that will never be satiated. All these voyages were the source of an abundant correspondence, in which is shifting between the descriptive and impressions. Semelles de Vent (foot/root of wind) is a musical project (here adapted in installation for City Sonic). It is initiated by composer Bruno Letort, who immersed himself in the journeys of the poet. The work is made of sound collection, in conjunction with instrumental and electroacoustic writing, as well as readings of excerpts from Arthur Rimbaud’s abundant correspondence and portraits of the famous poet-smuggler.

A selection of recent photos and visual documents complete this musical environment.

Composition/design/electronic/guitar: Bruno Letort – voice: Ghédalia Tazartes, Etenes H Wassié – strings: Cube Quartet.
Production of the radio creation: Deutschlandfunk Kultur Radio (Berlin), France Culture (Paris), France Musique (Paris), SOOND (Bruxelles) with the support of Transcultures for the installation component.


Bruno Letort is a composer, radio producer and director of the Ars Musica festival in Brussels. A veteran guitarist and orchestrator, he published a series of albums stylistically on the border of jazz and rock, in the early 80s. As a composer, his catalog contains more “written” music: his scores for orchestra, his numerous string quartets and even a first interactive opera, François Villon l’opéra, in 1994. The approach of Bruno Letort has always aimed at multidisciplinarity (as seen in a number of works he has composed for dance, theater, cinema). In 2000, he founded Signature label, for Radio France, on which he records – among others – artists as diverse as Pierre Henry, Fred Frith, Franck Vigroux, Christmas Akchoté, Jean-Luc Godard, Beñat Achiary…

Parallel to his activity of composer, he was producer on France Musique, in which he created, in 1995, “Tapage Nocturne”, a show dedicated to inventive music (electroacoustic, ars-acustica, minimalist music, experimental rock…).