Tales of…
Tales of fluvial highways. Reports of damage to barges and inland waterways, statistics on inland waterway transport, sounds of landing sites for cargo of a barge that is recorded under a covered dock on Monsin Island (Liège).
Tales of literacy. Extracts from administrative manuals and instructions on the administrative language, as it should be practiced by the administration. Voice of a magistrate is taking up the scope of these instructions…
Co-creation Ordinaire: Stephan Ink (Fr) + Eric Therer (Be).
Production: Eastern Belgium at night.
Dyslexic Chronicles (creation)
A language entomologist, lover of lingua poveri and indigestible words, Eric Therer stealthily tracks verbal exchanges through office outlets, at bus stops, or in supermarket corridors, like a Peeping Tom of a language that was robbed. Sometimes, he restores them in sound with his partner Stephan Ink, within the duet Ordinaire. Sometimes, he reports them solo under the banner Some Pedestrians, as it is the case for this intimate creation. Dyslexic Chronicles is a new performance for damaged texts, voices and cassette recorders.
Production: Eastern Belgium at NIght.

Eric Therer takes from both sound experimentation and post-Dadaist heritage. His stripping performances and his “surreal” texts are inspired by our most immediate everyday environment, thus showcasing ‘Belgitude’… to render it universal. His texts speak of contingent human relations, organized in their relation to production, and structured by the split functions that these relations induce. It is a (trans) poetic and energetic a(r)ttitude that can be found in the dozen of small collections (including recently Le déficit des années antérieures – The deficit of the previous years) that he has published, since the beginning of the 2000’s. This includes his collaborations with various musicians (Stephan Ink in the duet Ordinaire, Philippe Franck in the & Stuff project).