Maxime Coton (Be)

Maxime Coton (Be)
1 November 2019 City Sonic

Pages vivantes

Imagine your body being literally immersed in a book. Pages Vivantes is an original poem that speaks at the same time as it is looked upon. It is a work of virtual reality, a sonic visual and spatial experience, that relies on interactivity of the unconscious. This new form materializes mental images produced by the user, which are then conveyed by words, in real time.

Murmured verses interact with the sound environment to explore how technology transforms us on the one hand, and on the other hand how we can still be enchanted in a world dominated by algorithms.

Production: SACD, PILEN, Transcultures, with the support of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (digital arts).


Maxime Coton is a transmedia writer and artist living and working in Brussels. He devotes himself to literature in different forms and media, because books are necessary but not sufficient. For his projects, he has won several awards in Belgium and abroad. In his work, he tries to find a balance between poetics and politics.