16.09 | Ateliers Sonic Kids + Soirée Sonic Live

16.09 | Ateliers Sonic Kids + Soirée Sonic Live
18 June 2017 City Sonic

Introduction aux bienfaits et aux propriétés physiques du son et à l’utilisation des bols tibétains ancestraux et en cristal…

Espace composé d’une quinzaine d’instruments différents dont les particularités offrent un large champ de découvertes sonores…

Deux live pour cette soirée : Ben Bertrand et le concert duo Between chords and vague beats de Jean De Lacoste et Karen Willems…

10:00 > 16:00 | Ateliers Sonic Kids

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Initiated by Transcultures in City Sonic here a few years ago, the workshops ‘Sonic Kids’ propose a ludic initiation (accompanied by artists and mediators) of two hours with various sound practices for the children and their parents!

10:00 > 12:00 | Isa Belle (Fr/Be) - Vibrations/corps/fragrances

This workshop proposed by the performer and holistic masseuse, Isa Belle, is an introduction to the benefits and the physical properties of sound, and the use of “singing bowls” (ancestral Tibetan bowls and more recent ones made out of crystal). The bowls played on and around the body of the person who is lying (according to the energy points), produces vibrations which mass and wrap the body and relax it like a soft ré-harmonising and re-energising wave. Isa Belle couples this body sound initiation with the delicate fragrances of essential oils, of which she also plays according to their specific properties.

14:00 > 16:00 | Rudy Romanowski (Be) - Au plafond de la libellule

A space made up of about fifteen different instruments invites parents and children to let their desires free to play with sounds. The characteristics of these sound structures offer the participants a broad field of discoveries, experiments, improvisations and exchanges.

Production Transcultures

Musée des Beaux-Arts
Place du Manège 1, Charleroi
barbara.allard@charleroi.be –  +32 71 86 11 35

21:00 | City Sonic Live

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21:00 > 22:00 | Ben Bertrand - Concert

Ben Bertrand is a clarinetist who evolves in the classical/contemporary scene. He imagined a device which enables him to transform the natural sound of his instrument into electronic sounds that enables him to create loops and to orchestrate it live, to create solo performances.

22:00 | Jean De Lacoste + Karen Willems

Between chords and vague beats

Between cords (Jean D.L.) and pleasant waves (Karen Willems) and restraints, they balance panoramic views. We know what hides behind them; something dissolves between their hands. They remind us of the kitchen… when it is dark and empty in the morning… and they play in this room… as if they wandered the street, in search of what belongs to us.

Production Manufacture urbaine with Transcultures

Manufacture Urbaine
Rue de Brabant 2, Charleroi
16.09 | Sonic Live
21:00 > 23:00
Entrée libre

Artistes présents

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Karen Willems (Be)

There are those who confirm and those who confront and constantly transform. Karen Willems (Ghent), formerly in charge of “o.a”, Inwolves, Zita Swoon Group, Jan Swerts, Novastar, Pascal Deweze …

Ben Bertrand (Be)

Ben Bertrand is a clarinetist who evolves in the classical/contemporary scene…

Rudy Romanowski (Be)

Rudy Romanowski is an animator of musical and musical awakening, as well as coordinator of the courses at the cultural center of Evere.

Isa Belle (Fr/Be)

The artistic approach of Isa Belle (Brussels, Mons, Paris, Nice) is anchored in the search for well-being of the body – in its multiple dimensions – associated with personal and spiritual development.

Jean De Lacoste (Be)

Jean De Lacoste (Charleroi) développe un univers à la fois intimiste et bruyant fait de paysages brumeux. Il travaille en solo mais a aussi collaboré avec STh Biset, Zbigniew Karkowski, Mauro A. Pawlowski, Teun …

Aussi au programme

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Un regard à la fois surréel et poétique sur les imaginaires et espaces de villégiature wallons teintés d’étrangeté lynchéenne et d’humour décallé.

Composé d’installations, créations ou premières belges, ainsi que d’une sélection d’étudiants d’écoles d’art partenaires…

La radio du festival qui propose des interviews, jingles, comptes rendus, déambulations, playlists et autres surprises sonores de première main réalisés à chaud…