17.09 | Sonic Sunday #2

17.09 | Sonic Sunday #2
20 June 2017 City Sonic
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12:30 > 16:30 | Sonic Sunday #2

Pour la clôture du parcours City Sonic #15 à Charleroi, Transcultures propose un dimanche audio…

Interviennent sonore à la fin du marché dominical de Charleroi invitant les curieux à suivre jusque-là Maison Dorée…

Un voyage sonique (saxophones et paysages sonores) mêlant paysages et mélodies modales, abstraites… suivi d’un encas.

Comment faire de la musique à partir de machines soniques délirantes ? Adam Bohman crée sa propre installation d’objets recyclés…

Le trio Unda propose une performance alliant bien-être et voyage sonore croisant subtilement bols tibétains, gongs, percussions…

Léo Kupper et Todor Todoroff mixent et spatialisent leurs compositions en live dans l’église Saint-Antoine de Padou…

17.09 | 12:30 > 16:30 - Sonic Sunday #2

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For the closing of City Sonic#15 in Charleroi, Transcultures proposes a punctuated convivial ‘audio Sunday’ of individual sonic events. This begins with an intervention at the Sunday market, followed by concerts and performances at the Gilded House, a sonic snack bar, and lastly, electroacoustic concerts in the Church of Saint-Anthony de Padoue.

Plusieurs lieux dans Charleroi
voir page de l’événement
17.09 | Sonic Sunday #2
12:30 > 16:30
Entrée libre

12:30 > 13:00 | Improvisation nomade (Création)

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The saxophonist Maurice Charles JJ accompanied by the collective Unda: Ariane Chesaux on cello, gong and drone, Isa Belle with Tibetan bowls, small bells and gong, and Marie Decarpentrie with drum, chime and percussive objects. They intervene at the end of the Sunday market of Charleroi inviting the curious ones to follow them up to the Maison Dorée.

Marché Dominical
Ville Haute, Charleroi

13:00 > 13:20 | Maurice Charles JJ (Be) + snack

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Haunting spaces (Création)

Receptive to visual arts, he is interested in electroacoustic music, sound arts and more particularly, to the notion of “sound landscape”. Influenced by Raymond Murray Schafer, he collaborates with other forms of artistic expression using the unique colour of his instrument that he also uses for his own sound creations. He still defines himself as an instrumentalist, working mainly on sound textures, breath, multiphonic sounds, richness of timbre, unorthodox sounds and contemporary games. Intuitive by nature, he likes to evolve in a universe populated by strange sound entities, where sound is matter and matter is sound. Beyond that, he collaborates with other forms of artistic expressions by bringing in this unique colour specific to the soprano saxophone.

Maison Dorée
Rue Emile Tumelaire 15, Charleroi
13:00 > 13:20
Entrée libre

13:20 > 14:00 | Adam Bohman (GB)

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Performance instruments inventés

How to make music starting from delirious sonic machines? Adam Bohman (London) creates his own installation of amplified recycled objects: beer or wine glasses, springs, blades, wire brushes, cake pans, forks, spoons, bulbs, cords… This undisciplinary, turbulent, and elusive creator rubs or scrapes with spatulas, rods, violin bows, bank cards, screws… creating and developing his sound universe on a table of amplified objects.

Maison Dorée
Rue Emile Tumelaire 15, Charleroi
13:20 > 14:00
Entrée libre

14:00 > 14:20 | Unda (Be/Fr/Ch)

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performance instruments inventés (Création)

The trio Unda (Ariane Chesaux, Isa Belle, Marie Decarpentrie) proposes a performance combining wellness and sound travel by subtly crossing Tibetan bowls, gongs, percussions, voice, cello and drone with a special attention to vibrations which are put in front of the whole body and in all directions.

Maison Dorée
Rue Emile Tumelaire 15, Charleroi
14:00 > 14:20
Entrée libre

15:00 > 16:30 | Leo Kupper & Todor Todoroff

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Concerts électro-acoustiques (Performance)

Pour clôturer le festival à Charleroi, City Sonic invite le pionnier des musiques électroniques belges Léo Kupper ainsi que le compositeur électro-acoustique Todor Todoroff également complice de Léo Kupper à mixer et spatialiser leurs compositions en live pour l’espace de l’église Saint-Antoine de Padou.

Leo Kupper – Musique sacrée (électroacoustique) : Sabatrana (5’ 47′)’ ; Parole sur langue, Paroles sur lèvres (15′ 46’’)
Todor Todoroff – Voices Part IIDistant Voices (1999 – 11’43) ; Matières (2003 – 9’49) ; Création (2017 – 8’-)

A cette occasion, sera lancé le nouveau disque Works (sur le label Megadsic) de Léo Kupper qui a sélectionné et optimisé une sélection de ses pièces couvrant l’ensemble sa carrière.

Production Transcultures

Eglise Saint-Antoine De Padoue
Rue de Marchienne 11, Charleroi
17.09 | Sonic Sunday #2
15:00 > 16:30
Entrée libre

Artistes City Sonic présents

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Todor Todoroff (Be)

Todor Todoroff (Brussels) is a civil engineer in telecommunications and has also been awarded a First Prize for Electroacoustic Composition at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, and a diploma in Electroacoustic Composition at the Royal Conservatory of Mons.

Unda (Be/Fr/Ch)

The trio Unda (Ariane Chesaux, Isa Belle, Marie Decarpentrie) proposes a performance combining wellness and sound travel by subtly crossing  Tibetan bowls, gongs, percussions, voice…

Marie Decarpentrie (Be)

Attracted by the Humain, Marie Decarpentrie (Brussels) undertook studies of Psychomotricity Assistant in Psychology at the Institut Libre Marie Haps in Brussels.

Ariane Chesaux (Ch/Be)

Ariane Chesaux was born in the last century, in Lausanne. After a first trip to India, at 22, she initiated Shiatsu.

Maurice Charles JJ (Be)

Jean-Jacques Duerinckx aka Maurice Charles JJ (Braine L’Alleud) practices mainly soprano and baritone saxophones, his first influences being Steve Lacy, Antonny Braxton, John Surman, Hamiet Bluiett.

Adam Bohman (GB)

Adam Bohman (London) is a composer, visual artist and author/very active inopportune performer in the outposts of the musics underground since the  end of the Seventies.

Léo Kupper (Be)

Pioneer of Belgian electronic music since the 60’s, and also recognized internationally, Leo Kupper, conceived a sound environment for the Saint-Anthony de Padoue Church, as a specific work requested by City Sonic which is a subtle retrospective of his spiritual electroacoustic compositions from the 1960s and 70s up till present.

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